Gallery ======= .. list-table:: GC Operation * - .. image:: geodesic_8.png A standard (method 1) 8-frequency geodesic division of an icosahedron. `` -a 8 | off_color -f C | antiview -R 90,0,0`` - .. image:: cube_4_3.png (4,3) GC operation on a cube, in canonical form. `` -a 4 -b 3 | canonical | off_color -f C| antiview -R 90,0,0`` * - .. image:: tet_5_3.png Standard (method 1) (5,3) subdivision of a tetrahedron. (Notice the vertices in the upper left and lower right.) `` -a 5 -b 3 | off_color -f G | antiview -R 90,0,0`` - .. image:: tet_5_3_opt.png (5,3) subdivision of a tetrahedron, but using `nslerp` projection and optimized to reduce variation in face area. `` -a 5 -b 3 -p nslerp -k faces | off_color -f G | antiview -R 90,0,0`` * - .. image:: cellular.gif Conway's Game of Life on the surface of a (5,3) subdivided cube. `Courtesy of Roger Kaufman `_. - .. image:: virus_1.png Repeatedly applying the (1,1) triangular subdivision using the flat projection and not normalizing gives this interesting organic shape. It resembles a viral capsid (moreso than geodesic polyhedra usually resemble a viral capsid), or a strange fruit. Produced by `` -a 9 -n -f |antiview``: ``-a 7`` and ``-a 5 -b 3`` are similar. * - .. image:: 3di.png Improper geodesic polyhedron on the 3-dihedron. Note dangling faces. `` -a 5 -b 3 -p nslerp -k energy | off_color -f C | antiview -R 90,90,0`` - .. image:: 4di.png GC operation on the 4-dihedron. `` -a 5 -b 3 -p nslerp -k energy | off_color -f C | antiview -R 90,45,0`` .. list-table:: Other scripts * - .. image:: breakdown_4_4_nslerp2.png Quadrilateral `nslerp2` preserves diagonal lines across the face. `` 4 4 -q -p=nslerp2`` - .. image:: breakdown_4_4_disk.png An attractive floral pattern produced by `` 4 4 -z 0 -q -p=disk`` * - .. image:: balloon_10.svg A triangular balloon polyhedron. `` 10 | off_color -f C | -e 0 -d 5.5`` - .. image:: balloon_10_qpl.svg A quadrilateral balloon polyhedron, which resembles the shape of a peeled coconut. `` 10 -q -p -l | off_color -f C | -d 5.6 -e 0``